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Recent News

Green Market

The 2016 Green Market and Mortgage Industry Update

As the future unfolds 2016 will be known as the year of bewilderment for many Americans and global market participants.  The 2016 election will go down in our history as one of the most polarized campaigns seen in decades. No ...

What’s a Planet Worth?

Republished for 2017 How does one quantify the value of Earth?  In essence, we already do – we call it economic systems and development.  According to Wikipedia, the definition of an economic system is a system of production and exchange ...

The Tiny – Not So Big, Home Movement, Trending or Fad?

Will the Lending Community Support This Emerging Market? As real estate markets transcend with new advanced technology and mandated building code adoption, two demographic markets could drive major shifts in real estate for smaller square footage homes.    Baby Boomers ...
Appraisal Value

Better than Code Homes: Translating & Quantifying Appraisal Value

As building science and technology continue to evolve, scale and become more affordable, innovative builders are finding ways to meet and exceed mandated energy building code requirements. However, builders are finding that projects built better than code can pose new ...
Home Retrofits

How to Take Advantage of Green Energy Money’s Toolbox for Home Retrofits

Green Energy Money’s Free Report for existing home retrofits is a great free tool available to homeowners that help them determine estimated building upgrade improvement costs and the potential return on investment upfront.  You can even get pre-qualified for financing before scheduling any ...

Choosing Right Green-High-Performance Builder for Your Project or Community

So you have found the perfect parcel of land; or have an existing home that needs updating, but how do you choose a builder that is reputable, competent and skilled in the art of high-energy performance or green building? Some ...

Choosing the Right Land for Green Building

One of the most important components of green building is the land you choose to build your project.  There are multitudes of factors that must be considered when choosing the perfect parcel of earth to develop.  Making the wrong choice ...


Not so long ago, maybe a half a century to be fair, manufactured built homes or mobile homes were popular due to their affordable, expedited distribution and assembly aspects. Building in factories allowed lower income families and rural regions to ...